President Barack Obama has recently unveiled a new logo design that will be used on all projects funded by the recently launched stimulus package aimed at reviving the ailing US economy.
The logo features several basic areas of focus which were announced in the $787 billion package, that is, a plant representing green technology, gears representing the infrastructure, a cross representing health care as well as stars from the US flag and the words Recovery.gov, the web site which will be used to track the progress of stimulus projects.

A White House press release said the emblem “is a symbol of President Obama’s commitment to the American people to invest their tax dollars wisely to put Americans back to work.”
So is this how the economy is going to be stimulated – by pumping money into that all-important industry, the branding and marketing industry? Must say that we, the logo and graphic artist community, are rather thrilled by being the center of this government’s attention. After all it was branding and imagery created by folks from this community that turned out to be one of the deciding factors in between the boring McCain, and the dynamic and almost Jesus-like, Obama.
But still… oh come on… is that really the plan?!!